Use of Force per Penal Code 13652.1/Assembly Bill 48

Commencing January 1, 2022, Each law enforcement agency shall, within 60 days of each incident, publish a summary on its internet website of all instances in which a peace officer employed by that agency uses a kinetic energy projectile or chemical agent, as those terms are defined in Section 13652, for crowd control. However, an agency may extend that period for another 30 days if they demonstrate just cause, but in no case longer than 90 days from the time of the incident

Kinetic energy projectiles

“Kinetic energy projectiles”  are defined as any type of device designed as less lethal to be launched from any device as a projectile that may cause bodily injury through the transfer of kinetic energy and blunt force trauma. For purposes of this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, items commonly referred to as rubber bullets, plastic bullets, beanbag rounds, and foam tipped plastic rounds.

Description of assembly, protest, demonstration, or incidentApprox. crowd sizeNumber of Officers involvedType of kinetic energy projectileNumber of rounds dispersedNumber of documented injuries because of deploymentJustification for using kinetic energy projectileDe-Escalation tactics or protocols and other measures





Chemical agents

“Chemical agents” are defined as any chemical that can rapidly produce sensory irritation or disabling physical effects in humans, which disappear within a short time following termination of exposure. For purposes of this section, the term includes but is not limited to chloroacetophenone tear gas, commonly known as CN tear gas; 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile gas, commonly known as CS gas; and items commonly referred to as pepper balls, pepper spray, or oleoresin capsicum.

Description of assembly, protest, demonstration, or incidentApprox. crowd sizeNumber of Officers involvedType of chemical agentQuantity of chemical agent dispersedNumber of documented injuries because of deploymentJustification for using chemical agentDe-Escalation tactics or protocols and other measures