You Can Act to Prevent a Firearm Tragedy. Forum on August 23, 2021
August 18, 2021

Forum on Gun Safety Set for August 23
Too many firearms are unlocked in homes, leaving door open to tragedy
San Rafael, CA – With an estimated 100,000 firearms stored in Marin County, the safety of law-abiding gun owners and their families is a major concern. Not enough of the weapons and ammunition are locked up, leaving them vulnerable to the hands of young kids, people in emotional distress, or those intent on violence against others.
The topic will be addressed Monday, August 23, in an online public forum that will have closed captioning and live Spanish interpretation. The 6 p.m. session will feature four renowned guest speakers who will talk about how residents can prevent firearm tragedies.
Full press release: Forum on Gun Safety Set for August 23 (
Document Download: Do-you-know-what-is-red-flag-law-2.pdf