District Attorney’s Office Awarded DUI Prosecution Grant
December 6, 2024

San Rafael, CA - The Marin County District Attorney’s Office received a $467,185 grant from the California Officer of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a specialized two-person prosecution team that handles alcohol and drug impaired driving cases that occur in Marin County.
“Marin County is safer thanks to the hard work and experience of our Vertical DUI Prosecution Team (VDPT),” District Attorney Lori E. Frugoli said. “Our VDPT would not be possible without the generous funding by the Office of Traffic Safety, which provides the necessary financial means to successfully prosecute serial DUI drivers and to keep Marin highways and streets safe for all drivers and pedestrians. By renewing our grant funding for the upcoming fiscal year, OTS has allowed us to continue this critical public safety program.”
Full press release: District Attorney’s Office Awarded DUI Prosecution Grant