2021 Annual Statistics
The following graphs represent statistical and demographic information on adult criminal cases received by the District Attorney's Office.
Some cases received may not be filed until the following calendar year. Similarly, cases filed includes some cases received the prior year. These data sets are not created to account for that.
Data represents January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
Five year totals; cases referred and cases filed.
Referred and Filed Cases by Crime Type
Cases can be categorized into multiple crime types. In that situation a 'Primary Crime Type' is identified, which is what is reported here. The crime type 'Other' is frequently used, and skewes the graph. For clarity, 'Other' has been removed and is depicted separately below.
Top Most frequently appearing referred and filed charges in cases categorized as Crime Type 'Other'
The remaining 54% are comprised of 251 unique misdemeanor referred charges. Each charge from this group represents less than 2 percent of the total.
The remaining 66% are comprised of 311 unique felony referred charges. Each charge from this group represents less than 2 percent of the total.
The remaining 41% are comprised of 98 unique misdemeanor filed charges. Each charge from this group represents less than 2 percent of the total.
The remaining 29% are comprised of 57 unique charges. Each charge from this group represents less than 1 percent of the total.
Referrals by Jurisdiction
Race of Defendants, Referred and Filed Cases
The Marin County District Attorney's Office does not ask a defendant their race. It is recorded as noted in the referral report. NULL indicates no race information was provided.